

Security Applications

Communication failure is never an option whether the application is commercial or residential so it makes sense to have a uSwitch attached to every network camera, modem or router. 

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Law Enforcement Applications

Dealing with mesh networks and security surveillance deployments has become a major part of everyone’s agenda in law enforcement. Everyday thousands of Modems and Cameras are being deployed for many Covert Surveillance, as well as Transit System protection applications.

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Government Applications

Having been deployed by most government agencies including the DEA, DOJ, DOD, Secret Service, Homeland Security Ice, Organized Crime task force, SPAWAR, Border Security, Ports and Airports, uSwitch provides field tested reliability in every regard.

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Smart Grid / Utilities Applications

Everyday thousands of modems and communication devices are being deployed for many applications such as SCADA, AMR/AMI, as well as remote substation management. Whenever system downtime is not an option, it always makes sense to include uSwitch as part of your existing or future infrastructure.

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What Will "u" Do with a uSwitch?